Day 10: Life is hard, but should the Christian life be hard?

Matthew 11:30,

“For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Life is hard because the world is broken. The world is broken because people have turned their backs on God. If we look at our country, we can see evidence of this fact. We were once a great nation with high standards and morals. We were despised by the evil and admired by those who sought light and freedom. We were blessed and by most accounts, the American life seemed like a dream. 

Unfortunately, like Israel, we began to consume the blessing. We began to see ourselves as special for the wrong reason. Israel thought they were special because they were the offspring of Abraham and we began to think we were special because we are Americans. In reality, greatness came from each nation’s relationship and reliance on God. And once each nation no longer needed God—most notably by their rebellion—they began to look like every other nation on the planet, without morals, chaotic and lost.

We can apply this to our individual lives as well. When we live as if we are special because we say we are Christians, then we find life to be hard, chaotic and at times, scary. However, when we have a right relationship with God, we can have a right relationship with others and the world. As a result, we find the words of Jesus apply to our lives that with Him our yoke is easy and our burden light.

Proverbs 18:10
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.

Action: Pray that Jesus will meet you in a special way today.