Healing a Centurion’s Servant

Ask: What does the word “authority” mean? (The right or power to give orders, make decisions, or control people or things.) Who has authority in your school classroom? (The teacher.)

Jesus traveled all over the country and as he went, he would do really amazing things for people, like healing them from their sicknesses. Soon people came from all over to see him and ask for help. In one town, even a Roman army officer, a centurion, came to Jesus to heal his servant.

Read: Matthew 8:5-10, Matthew 8:13

This centurion understood something about Jesus that other people didn’t get. As an army officer, he knew his word would be obeyed by his soldiers. He believed Jesus had the same kind authority. He trusted that all Jesus needed to do was give the command for his servant to be healed and it would be done. Jesus was astonished by this centurion’s response and praised his faith. Then Jesus affirmed his faith and sent him home to find that his servant was healed.

Jesus’ words are powerful! As the Son of God, he can do all that he says he will. He has the power to heal and to provide all of our needs. He has the power to save us from our sins. There is no one else on the planet that is greater than him. And you know what? We can come to him and ask him to help us. He wants us to come. And we can come to him like the centurion, believing that Jesus has the authority and will help us.

What do you need Jesus to do today? Give you wisdom to make an important decision? Help you to be a friend to the kid at the playground who is different? Whatever it is, you can come to Jesus and believe that he can and will help you.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you that Jesus has authority. Give me faith, like the centurion, to trust that Jesus will help me. Amen.