Day 4: Courage Misplaced: Moses Attacks the Egyptian

Welcome: Being courageous sounds really heroic and cool, but have you ever demonstrated courage in the wrong way at the wrong time? Today we see a situation where courage is misplaced and causes trouble.

Background: Moses has grown up in Pharaoh’s house as a prince but begins to understand that he is different, a foreigner, and doesn’t belong. He is an Israelite.

Read: Exodus 2:11-15

Highlight: “He [Moses] looked on their burdens…and struck down the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.”

You? Moses saw a wrong being committed and tried to make it right, but got it all backwards. Is there a situation where you were too harsh in your courage trying to right a legitimate wrong? How can you courageously humble yourself to renew your love for God and people? It is important to let God do the leading in our courage.

Pray: God, I want to be courageous, but for the right purpose and in the right situation. It is so overwhelming when I see so many wrongs that need to be righted. Please help me to control my displays of courage to bring glory to you alone.