Day 5: Courage Settled: Moses Settles in Midian

Welcome: Do you ever display courage then are totally satisfied with your accomplishment? Like your one display of courage was the climax in your life and now it’s time to bask in the glory of that singular event. Today we see Moses showing courage then deciding he’s satisfied.

Background: Moses is fleeing for his life from Egypt because he killed an Egyptian giving Pharaoh the motivation to finally eliminate the Hebrew from his household. After making a narrow escape, Moses ends up very far away in Midian. His goal is to disappear and forget about his past and he finds a great opportunity to do just that.

Read: Exodus 2:16-22

Highlight: “And Moses was content to dwell with the man, and he gave Moses his daughter, Zipporah.”

You? Moses was running for his life and used his residual courage to rescue some damsels in distress, then settled down for a lifetime of comfort, work, family, and forgetting. But God wasn’t done with him. God’s not done with you and has more for you. How have you been simply satisfied with the past?  In what way is God calling you to more? How is He challenging your faith today? Will you step out in courageous faith and ask him?

Pray: God, I don’t want to simply settle for a little courage and live off the glory of a singular event, but I want to be courageous in everything. I know you are not done with me. Please help me to find more opportunities for courage.