Day 6: The Gift…Worship

Read: Revelation 4:9-11, Revelation 5:6-14

Worship. This is what we have been created for. In speaking to the woman at the well Jesus said,

“the hour is coming and is now here, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:23-24)

Our worship in the here and now is about our heart. It’s not at all about the setting, the music (or lack thereof), or even the people around us. As we worship in spirit and in truth, our worship should be completely unhindered and authentic.

True worship occurs when I allow my spirit to commune with the Holy Spirit in me to bow in humble adoration of the One who gave His life for me. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. We worship the Jesus of scripture.

As I envision the scenes in Revelation where we are worshipping our Lord, it appears that there will at last be nothing to hinder or mar this natural response to seeing our Lord face to face in all of His splendor!

If I’m being honest, my sweetest moments of worship, to date with my Lord, have occurred when He and I were all alone. In those moments I do not feel judgment of others, and there are less distractions around me. I can truly place all of my focus on my Redeemer and Lord.

The beauty of this anticipatory worship yet to come is that we are all together from every tribe and language and people and nation, bowing in unison to rightfully worship the Lamb who was slain, who alone is worthy! Alone with my Lord, yet all together. Wow!

Challenge: How often do you spend worshipping our Lord in the here and now? Determine how to make this happen more often in your life. The more you look into the word of truth and see your Lord high and lifted up, the more often you will naturally bow before Him in spirit and in truth.

Prayer: Father, forgive me for allowing my days to be so full and at times so self-consumed that I do not take time to see You in the word and naturally bow before you. I long to be ready to join the redeemed choir around Your throne in glory. Can’t imagine! Can’t wait!