Day Eleven: Israel – Believing the Impossible

Today’s Reading: Hebrews 11:29; Exodus 14:1-31

Introduction: Today’s reading isn’t about an individual. It’s about the people of Israel. The writer to the Hebrews singles out the whole people of God who had the faith to take those first steps through the Red Sea. That had to be a harrowing experience. No one had seen anything like that before. The water just stood up in a wall, and just to make sure they understood this was a miraculous event, the sea bed was dry. So, they walked through. But even that took faith. Many people might have wondered if they were going to make it all the way across before the sea reclaimed its banks. The whole thing was miraculous. And the thing about miracles is that you might as well trust them to do what they are intended to do. If God could push back the waters, then He could certainly keep them in their place until the people had all passed through. This was a deciding moment for the people of Israel. They had already witnessed miracles. They had seen their firstborn spared. They had been led to the banks of the Red Sea by a pillar of fire and cloud. This one was different, though. This time, they had to put their heads in the lion’s mouth, so to speak. They had to commit. And they did, and they discovered that their God was able.

Application: Most of us will likely never experience something as amazing as seeing the water of the Red Sea parted. But we shouldn’t think that the miraculous still doesn’t occur all around us. The greatest miracle is that of a lost soul being redeemed and made new through faith in the resurrected Jesus. Indeed, the very fact of the existence of the resurrected Jesus serves as a reminder for all of us that the miraculous still happens. But God doesn’t just perform miracles to show off. He performs them when they are needed. Israel needed some miracles. They were in a situation that was greater than they could handle on their own. When we find ourselves in a situation greater than we can handle on our own, God can still break through with the miraculous. God is greater than any other force in heaven and earth. The only thing God will not do is violate our will. We must be willing to follow God. If we will, He will ensure that we will be able to do what He has called us to do.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for demonstrating Your power at the resurrection of Jesus. Thank You for working the miracle of my salvation. Please help me to never doubt Your ability to see me through any challenges as I seek to do Your will for my life. I trust You with everything. When You call, I will commit. Amen.