Day Fifteen: Barak – Leadership Exemplified

Today’s Reading: Hebrews 11:32; Judges 4:6-5:31

Introduction: When we meet Barak, Israel had once again lapsed into godlessness. In response, God let King Jabin and Sisera, the general of Jabin’s army, torment His people. This time, there was already a judge in Israel. We’re told that the prophetess Deborah was “judging Israel at that time” (Judges 4:4). Barak is not listed as one of Israel’s judges. He commanded an Israelite army (Judges 4:6). Deborah understood that an army would be needed to defeat Jabin’s army, so she “summoned” Barak to lead his troops to defeat Israel’s oppressors. Deborah warned Barak that he wouldn’t get the credit for defeating Sisera and his army. She told him that a woman would get that credit. Clearly, Barak didn’t accept his assignment for fame or glory. He was in a place of leadership and accepted his part in what needed to be done. Deborah and Barak worked together to support each other to rid Israel of their enemy. And, as Deborah prophesied, Sisera was killed by a woman named Jael (Judges 4:17-22) and that ended King Jabin’s domination of God’s people. Together, Deborah and Barak sang a song commemorating the victory (Judges 5:1-31), and in the song they shared credit for the defeat of their enemy with everyone who had a part in it.

Application: We can learn a lot about effective leadership from Deborah and Barak. They teach us the truth of that saying from Ronald Reagan, and Harry Truman before him: “There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit.” Deborah the Prophetess and Judge knew she needed others to help win this battle against the enemy of God’s people. She called on her country’s military leader. Barak was willing to join forces with Deborah, but he knew that he still needed Deborah to be part of the effort. In the end, neither Deborah nor Barak defeated Sisera. That distinction went to another, Jael, the wife of Heber. Everyone did their part in this battle, and everyone celebrated each other’s part in their success. In their song, which Deborah and Barak sang together, they credit Israel’s “leaders” and “volunteers” (Judges 5:2). The best leaders invite others to join them in their task and celebrate everyone who has a part in success.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for the spiritual gifts You have given me to serve Your church and help it succeed. Please show me where You want me to use my gifts to help Your church succeed in reaching the lost, making disciples, and serving others. Help me to celebrate others and not need to get the credit as I work with others to advance Your kingdom. Amen.