Day Nine: Moses’ Parents – Leaving a Legacy

Today’s Reading: Hebrews 11:23; Exodus 2:1-10

Introduction: After Joseph and the Pharaoh whom he served died, things became much more difficult for the Israelites living in Egypt. The new Pharaoh became fearful of them because they outnumbered the Egyptians. To remedy that, he had them enslaved and forced into hard labor. When that wasn’t enough, he ordered that all male Israelite newborns should be killed. The Israelite midwives refused to comply with this order, so pharaoh ordered everyone to kill newborn Israelite boys by throwing them into the Nile River. Fortunately, Moses’ parents refused to submit to this order. They found a way to obey the edict and keep their son alive. They hid him for three months and then put him in a basket and put him in the Nile. They did essentially follow Pharaoh’s order, but they found a way to give Moses a chance. Still, they did not abandon him. His sister Miriam kept watch over the basket as it floated in the river. God took over from there and in a moment of irony, He let Pharaoh’s daughter find Moses in the basket and ended up turning him back over to his mother to raise.

Application: Family plays an indispensable role in the development of children. There is no substitute for loving family members in preparing children for their place in the world. Moses’ parents could have chosen the path of least resistance, obeyed Pharaoh’s orders, and drowned their newborn son. But consider the immeasurable loss. This boy was the future leader of Israel. It is likely that Moses’ parents taught him the things of God as he grew, and that training helped him lead God’s chosen people for the rest of his life. We have no idea what God has appointed for those He brings into our lives. But we are stewards of these children, and it is our responsibility as parents and family members to protect and prepare children entrusted to us for the future God has for them.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for the calling You have given Your people to help prepare the next generation to live godly lives in a confused and darkening world. Please help me not to take that stewardship for granted but instead do all I can to help the children in my life to know Your truth and to live by Your truth. Help me to value every human being as someone created in Your image and to respect not only every life but also the potential of every child. Amen.