Empty Evangelism

Opening Thoughts:

If there was no resurrection, what would be the result of preaching?


1 Corinthians 15:14, Romans 10:14-15


1 Corinthians 15:14 again answers the question, “what if there was no resurrection?” The answer is that all of our preaching would be in vain. It would be just empty words. In Romans 10:14-15 the scripture asks us how people know about Christ unless they are told about him. Are you ever amazed when you see a person who has been fooled by Satan and they are so passionate and zealous about their religion when you and I know it is false? That would be us! But, Jesus did rise from the grave! And because of that, you and I can boldly preach the gospel of Christ, knowing that the word of God is not empty but is quick, powerful and changes lives.


Because our preaching is not in vain, then we should take every opportunity to share the gospel whenever and wherever we can. When was the last time that you shared the gospel with someone? Has it been days, weeks, months or maybe even years? Let’s not live out our Christianity as if it has no power but rather allow the power of the Holy Spirit flow through our lives and preach the Word!


Lord, help me to share my faith with someone this week. I want to allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through my life.