Have you checked out and downloaded the Parent Cue App? You’ll find many resources as well as the videos and parent guides to what your kids learn on Sunday morning!

Other Resources

Parenting school-age children takes a lot of wisdom and discernment. You’ll be faced with many questions, problems and challenges. We’re here to partner with you! Some of the best ways to navigate any season is to be involved in a church, join a Life Group, attend events geared for parents and develop a group of friends and mentors who can encourage and advise you.

If you’d like to talk with Jamie Arbizzani or Pastor Michael about any concerns or questions about your child and parenting, please call the church office at 652-3161 to make an appointment.

Additionally, here are some websites you might find helpful.

Focus on the Family School-Age Children

Family Life Parenting

Christianity Today – Parenting

Crosswalk – Parenting